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Title Belle II Number Authors Date Downloads
B-physics at Belle II: status and prospects BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-084 Marcella Bona 2024-06-05
B decays at e+/e- colliders BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-076 Rahul Tiwary 2024-06-05
Recent B Physics results from Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-087 Seema Choudhury 2024-06-03
Studies of hadron spectroscopy at Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-085 Jake Bennett 2024-06-03
Charm results at Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-086 Paul Gebeline 2024-06-03
Recent Dark Sector results from Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-088 Sourav Dey 2024-06-02
The DMAPS upgrade of the Belle II Vertex Detector BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-074 Giuliana Rizzo
INFN University, Pisa, Belle II VTX Upgrade Group
Amplitude analysis of tau -> 3pi at Belle (II) BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-064 Stefan Wallner 2024-05-28
CPV at e+/e- colliders BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-071 Stefano Lacaprara 2024-05-27
B decays at e+/e- colliders BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-070 Rahul Tiwary 2024-05-27
Belle II upgrades BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-066 Claudia Cecchi 2024-05-27
Bottomonium & exotics BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-069 Renu Garg 2024-05-27
Rare decays of tau leptons BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-065 Armine Rostomyan 2024-05-27
Measurements of CKM matrix elements BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-067 Guglielmo De Nardo 2024-05-27
Charm results at Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-068 Junxi Cui 2024-05-27
Belle II Upgrade BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-062 Claudia Cecchi 2024-05-22
Charged Lepton Flavor Violation at e+e- experiments BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-061 Swagato Banerjee 2024-05-13
CLFV at e+e- experiments BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-073 Swagato Banerjee 2024-05-13
Recent results in B physics (covering all experiments) BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-072 Peter Lewis 2024-05-13
Commissioning and Early Experience of the New Online Storage and Express-Reconstruction System for the Belle II Experiment BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-129 Seokhee Park 2024-04-25
Recent physics results from Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-052 Youngjoon Kwon 2024-04-11
Search for tau -> 3mu at Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-053 Justine Serrano 2024-04-11
tau -> l+hadron decays at Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-055 Laura Zani 2024-04-11
KEK seminar on the e+e- -> pipipi0 result BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-056 Yuki Sue 2024-04-10
Status and prospects of RD and RD* measurements BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-059 Markus Prim 2024-04-09
Developments in inclusive Vcb determinations BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-058 Florian Bernlochner 2024-04-09
Belle II beyond flavour anomalies: What' new? What's next? BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-060 Vitalii Lisovskyi 2024-04-09
On the treatment of theoretical and experimental backgrounds in the B -> K nu nu analysis BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-057 Caspar Schmitt 2024-04-09
Rare B Decays in Belle, Belle II and LHCb BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-054 Slavomira Stefkova 2024-04-06
Belle results on hyperon spectroscopy and future prospects at Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-039 Kiyoshi Tanida 2024-04-03
Semileptonic decays at Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-043 Svenja Granderath 2024-03-31
Charm and beauty hadron decays at Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-042 Riccardo Manfredi 2024-03-31
Tau and low multiplicity decays at Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-041 Philipp Horak 2024-03-31
Electroweak and radiative penguin B meson decays at Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-040 Giulio Dujany 2024-03-31
Radiative and electroweak penguin results from Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-051 Pablo Goldenzweig 2024-03-24
Recent results on hadronic B decay at Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-050 Niharika Rout 2024-03-24
Search for Knunubar with hadronic B tagging at Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-046 Stefano Moneta 2024-03-24
Measurements of B->Kpi and B->pipi branching fractions and CP asymmetries at Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-045 Shu-Ping Lin 2024-03-24
Charm physics at Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-047 Giulia Casarosa 2024-03-24
Tau and low multiplicity physics at Belle and Belle I BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-049 Luigi Corona 2024-03-24
Semileptonic results from Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-048 Lu Cao 2024-03-24
Graphical neural net flavour tagging and measurement of sin 2beta at Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-044 Petros Stavroulakis 2024-03-24
Pixel Vertex Detector background generation using Generative Adversarial Networks BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-038 Nikolai Krug, Thomas Kuhr, Fabio Novissimo 2024-03-08
Quantum tests with entangled B meson pairs at the Belle and Belle II Experiments BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-037 Sven Vahsen 2024-03-07
Amplitude Analysis of B0 -> K+pi-pi0 Decays BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-024 Ceren Ay 2024-03-05
Search for exotic states with $c\bar{c}s\bar{s}$ content at Belle BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-022 Dmytro Meleshko, Elisabetta Prencipe
Sören Lange
Recent quarkonia, tau and low multiplicity measurements from Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-025 Robin Leboucher 2024-03-03
Recent beauty and charm measurements from Belle and Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-026 Valerio Bertacchi 2024-03-03
Measurement of the full set of kinematic moments of semileptonic 𝐵-meson decays with the Run 1 data set of Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-021 Florian Bernlochner, Jochen Dingfelder, Munira Khan, Markus Prim 2024-02-28
$B \rightarrow D^{**} \ell \nu $ Analysis at Belle II BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-019 Eyluel Uenlue 2024-02-27
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