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Title Belle II Number Authors Date Downloads
Study of the $B^{0} \to \gamma \gamma$ decay at Belle and Belle IIPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-063 Shubhangi Maurya 2024-01-21
BPAC focused review in autumn 2023: Nov 13-14,2023Public BELLE2-REPORT-2024-002 BPAC 2024-01-21
Searches for invisible new particles at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2024-005 Luigi Corona 2024-01-15
Study of $B^{+} \to D_{s}^{(*)+}\pi^{0}$ mode at BellePublic BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2024-004 Vishal Bhardwaj
Manish Kumar
XYZ states - the quest for the spectroscopical patternPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-008 Jens Lange 2024-01-14
Multiquark states: recent results in charm-strange and bottomonium spectroscopyPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-007 Elisabetta Prencipe 2024-01-14
Tau physics at Belle and Belle IIPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-003 Denis Bodrov 2024-01-14
Belle II status and prospectsPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-005 Xiaolong Wang 2024-01-14
Bottomonium physics at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-006 Umberto Tamponi 2024-01-14
Charm physics at Belle/Belle IIPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-004 Longke Li 2024-01-14
Charm physics at Belle and Belle II experimentsPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-001 Longke Li 2024-01-11
Tau physics at Belle and Belle IIPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-010 Klemens Lautenbach 2024-01-08
Vcb and Vub measurements at Belle and Belle IIPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-011 Moritz Bauer 2024-01-08
Recent results from Belle and Belle IIPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-009 Alessandro Gaz 2024-01-08
A test of lepton flavor universality with a measurement of $R(D^{*})$ using hadronic $B$ tagging at the Belle~II experimentPublic BELLE2-PUB-PH-2024-001 The Belle II Collaboration 2024-01-05
Recent quarkonium results from Belle IIPublic BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2024-003 Renu Garg 2024-01-04
Flavor Physics Experiments: Recent Results and Future ProjectionsPublic BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-012 Karim Trabelsi 2024-01-02
Recent quarkonium results from Belle IIPublic BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2024-002 Renu Garg 2024-01-02
Study of monolithic CMOS pixel sensors in the Belle II experiment upgradePublic BELLE2-MTHESIS-2024-016 Simon Calo, Francesco Forti 2024-01-01
A Study of the Decay $B\to\pi\ell\nu_\ell$ and Determination of the Standard Model parameter $|V_{\mathrm{ub}}|$ with the Belle II ExperimentPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-013 Nadia Toutounji, Kevin Varvell, Bruce Yabsley 2024-01-01
Measurement of the properties of B0→π0π0 decays at Belle II Public BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-012 Sebastiano Raiz, Diego Tonelli 2024-01-01
Improving the Belle II Neural Track Trigger with Deep Neural NetworksPublic BELLE2-MTHESIS-2024-020 Timo Forsthofer, Christian Kiesling 2024-01-01
In-depth characterisation of diamond detectors for the Belle II experimentPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-011 Alice Gabrielli, Lorenzo Vitale 2024-01-01
Measurement of the properties of B0 → π0π0 decays at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-018 Sebastiano Raiz, Diego Tonelli 2024-01-01
Improved Particle Identification with the Belle II Calorimeter Using Machine LearningPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-002 Torben Ferber, Abtin Narimani Charan 2024-01-01
Study of 𝑩 → 𝝅l𝝂 and 𝑩 → 𝝆l𝝂 decays and extraction of |𝑽𝒖𝒃| at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-022 Florian Bernlochner, Jochen Dingfelder, Svenja Granderath, Peter Lewis 2024-01-01
Implementing the TabNet Deep Learning Algorithm for Selecting τ−→π−π−π+ντ Events from Belle II DataPublic BELLE2-UTHESIS-2024-002 Yannik Fausch 2024-01-01
Study of 𝐵 → X𝑐 Λ0 𝐾/𝐾𝑠 with recoil mass approachPublic BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2024-001 Swarna Maharana, Saurabh Sandilya, Karim Trabelsi
Vidya Sagar Vobilisetti
Graph-Building and Input Feature Analysis for Edge Classification in the Central Drift Chamber at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-MTHESIS-2024-019 Philipp Dorwarth, Torben Ferber 2024-01-01
Tests of lepton universality in the rates of inclusive semileptonic B-meson decays at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-017 Florian Bernlochner, Jochen Dingfelder, Henrik Junkerkalefeld, Peter Lewis 2024-01-01
Study of the B0->D*-l+vl decay at Belle II for a new measurement of the decay dynamics and |Vcb|Public BELLE2-UTHESIS-2024-004 Mirco Dorigo, Matteo Filipig, Michele Mantovano 2024-01-01
Search for B+ -> K+ nu nubar at Belle II using Graph Neural NetworksPublic BELLE2-MTHESIS-2024-021 Merna Abumusabh, Jacopo Cerasoli, Giulio Dujany 2024-01-01
Test of light-lepton universality in tau decays with data from the Belle II experimentPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-014 Paul Feichtinger, Gianluca Inguglia, Christoph Schwanda 2024-01-01
Implementation, Operation and Monitoring of the Data Acquisition System of the Belle II Pixel Detector during Physics Data Taking in 2019 — 2022Public BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-021 Claudia Hoehne, Simon Reiter
Sören Lange
Study of sPlot Background Subtraction for Particle Identification Efficiency Determination at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-UTHESIS-2024-003 Lars von der Werth, Stefan Wallner 2024-01-01
Search for lepton flavor universality violation in $\overline{B} \rightarrow D^{*}\tau^{-}\overline{\nu}_{\tau}$ decays using hadronic $B$ tagging at the Belle II experimentPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-019 Toru Iijima, Kazuki Kojima 2024-01-01
Study of the reconstruction efficiency of π0 mesons from decays of the lepton τ at the Belle II experimentPublic BELLE2-MTHESIS-2024-022 Ermes Aviano, Benigno Gobbo, Sebastiano Raiz, Diego Tonelli 2024-01-01
Measurement of the Branching Fraction of Charmless Semileptonic B Meson Decays and the Quark-Mixing Matrix Element Vub with the Belle II ExperimentPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-016 Andrea Fodor, Andreas Warburton 2024-01-01
Evaluation of the New Readout Circuit for the Belle II Central Drift Chamber:中央飛跡検出器の新型読み出し回路の性能評価Public BELLE2-MTHESIS-2024-011 Ayuto Gonnokami 2024-01-01
Measurement of |Vus| using hadronic τ decays at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-015 Gianluca Inguglia, Geraldine Raeuber, Christoph Schwanda 2024-01-01
A Fundamental Study toward Faster Beam Abort System at SuperKEKB (In Japanese) SuperKEKB加速器におけるビームアボート高速化に向けた基礎研究Public BELLE2-MTHESIS-2024-006 Hidekazu Kakuno, Kazuki Kitamura 2024-01-01
Belle II 実験レベル 1 トリガーのための3 次元飛跡再構成アルゴリズムの開発Public BELLE2-MTHESIS-2024-012 Hiroto Sudo, Yutaka Ushiroda 2024-01-01
Selection of τ → Kππντ Decays for Data from the Belle II ExperimentPublic BELLE2-UTHESIS-2024-001 Arina Katscho, Stephan Paul, Stefan Wallner 2024-01-01
Dalitz Plot Analysis of B0 → K+ π− π0 Decays at the Belle II ExperimentPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-020 Thomas Kuhr, Hans-Günther Moser, Markus Reif 2024-01-01
Upgrade of Belle II's Neural Network Trigger by Track Finding in Three-Dimensional Hough SpacePublic BELLE2-MTHESIS-2024-018 Simon Hiesl, Christian Kiesling 2024-01-01
Study of the decay B0->KS0 pi0 at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-PTHESIS-2024-004 Sagar Hazra, Gagan Mohanty 2024-01-01
Rare decays at Belle and Belle IIPublic BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2023-050 Seema Choudhury 2023-12-30
Lepton universality tests and searches for new physics in charged current decays at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2023-049 Henrik Junkerkalefeld 2023-12-29
Time-integrated WS-to-RS ratio of the 𝑫0 −→ 𝑲+𝝅−𝝅0 decay at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2023-047 Kavita Lalwani, Chanchal Sharma 2023-12-27
Measurement of time integrated raw asymmetry in D^{0}\longrightarrow K^{0}_{s}K^{0}_{s}}$ decay at Belle IIPublic BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2023-048 Sanjeeda Das, Kavita Lalwani 2023-12-27
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