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Title Belle II Number Authors Date Downloads
J/Ψ+ in early Phase 3 data using global particle likelihood. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-012 Giacomo De Pietro, Daniel Ferlewicz, Yosuke Yusa 2019-07-09
Study of the impact parameter resolution and the beam profile in early Phase 3 data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-011 Nils Braun, Alexander Glazov, Carsten Niebuhr, Eugenio Paoloni, Cyrille Praz 2019-07-08
Reconstruction of B0 → J/ψ K0S BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-010 Yosuke Yusa 2019-07-08
Full Event Interpretation Reconstruction Performance with 0.41 fb-1 of Phase 3 data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-009 Florian Bernlochner, William Sutcliffe 2019-07-07
B0→ D*l ν in 0.41 fb-1 of collision data. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-008 Minakshi Nayak, Abner Soffer 2019-07-07
Pulse Shape Discrimination Results from Phase 2 BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-007 Savino Longo, John Roney 2019-07-05
D0 in phase 2, 3 and simulation of X(3872) partner at the D*0 D*0 threshold BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-006 Klemens Lautenbach
Sören Lange, Elisabetta Principe
B→D(*)h in 410 pb-1 of collision data. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-005 Eldar Ganiev, James Libby, Niharika Rout, Diego Tonelli, Karim Trabelsi 2019-07-04
D0 Lifetime On Bucket6 Phase3 Data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-003 Giulia Casarosa, Gaetano de Marino 2019-07-02
Plots for Full Event Interpretation Reconstruction Performance with 500 pb1 of Phase II data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-002 Florian Bernlochner, William Sutcliffe 2019-03-07
Plot for re-discovery of Lambda_c^+ BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-001 Yuji Kato 2019-02-05
Study of the d0 track resolution BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-037 Nils Braun, Alexander Glazov, Eugenio Paoloni, Cyrille Praz 2018-12-06
Validation VXD alignment in phase 2 using collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-036 Jakub Kandra 2018-12-05
Impact of PID on φ → K+ K- invariant mass distribution using prod6 data. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-035 Saurabh Sandilya, Aman Sangal, Alan Schwartz 2018-11-10
Plots for evaluation of proton-ID performance in 239 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-034 Hikari Hirata 2018-10-23
Plots for B → K*γ in 389 pb-1 data. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-033 Akimasa Ishikawa, Hidekazu Kakuno, Sachi Tamechika 2018-09-15
Plots for ee->pi+pi-gamma analysis with phase2 full data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-032 Yosuke Maeda 2018-09-14
Plots for Ds+ → φ [K+ K-] π+ in early Belle II data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-031 Saurabh Sandilya, Aman Sangal, Alan Schwartz 2018-07-17
Plots for J/Psi -> mu+mu- in 250 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-030 Giacomo De Pietro 2018-07-10
Plots for the φ meson produced in e+e− → φγ events in 250 pb^{-1} collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-029 Riccardo de Sangro, Giuseppe Finocchiaro, Benjamin Oberhof, Marcello Piccolo 2018-07-06
Plots for phi -> K+K- with 250 pb^-11 collision data. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-028 Yuji Kato 2018-07-03
Plot for B0 -> D*e\nu in 250 pb^{-1} collision data. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-024 Minakshi Nayak, Abner Soffer 2018-07-02
Plots for B->J/psi K_(s)^(*) in 472 pb-1 collision data. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-026 Gagan Mohanty, Debashis Sahoo, Saurabh Sandilya, Karim Trabelsi, Yosuke Yusa 2018-07-02
Identifying Neutral Hadronic Showers with Pulse Shape Discrimination BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-027 Savino Longo, John Roney 2018-07-02
Plot for J/ψe+e in 472 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-025 Gagan Mohanty, Debashis Sahoo, Saurabh Sandilya, Karim Trabelsi, Yosuke Yusa 2018-07-02
Plots for e+e- -> pi+pi-gamma in 250 pb-1 collision ata BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-023 Yosuke Maeda 2018-07-01
Plots for D^{*}-> D\pi, D-> K\pi in 472 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-012 Vishal Bhardwaj, Eldar Ganiev, Souvik Maity, Niharika Rout, Diego Tonelli, Karim Trabelsi
P. K. Resmi
Plots for D^{*}-> D\pi, D-> K\pi\pi^{0} in 250 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-013 Vishal Bhardwaj, Eldar Ganiev, Souvik Maity, Niharika Rout, Diego Tonelli, Karim Trabelsi
P. K. Resmi
Plots for D^{*}-> D\pi, D-> K\pi\pi\pi in 472 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-014 Vishal Bhardwaj, Eldar Ganiev, Souvik Maity, Niharika Rout, Diego Tonelli, Karim Trabelsi
P. K. Resmi
Plots for D*-> Dpi, D-> K+K- in 472 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-015 Vishal Bhardwaj, Eldar Ganiev, Souvik Maity, Niharika Rout, Diego Tonelli, Karim Trabelsi
P. K. Resmi
Plots for Ks-> pi+ pi- in 1 fb-1 DR2 sample and 250 pb-1 collision data after applying goodKs selection. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-016 Minakshi Nayak, Karim Trabelsi
Prasanth Krishnan, Manish Kumar
Plots for D-> Kspi+pi- in 250 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-017 Minakshi Nayak, Karim Trabelsi
Prasanth Krishnan, Manish Kumar
Plots for D^{*}-> D\pi, D-> Kspipi in 472 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-018 Minakshi Nayak, Karim Trabelsi
Prasanth Krishnan, Manish Kumar
Plots for D+-> K-pi+pi-, Kspi+ in 250 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-019 Vishal Bhardwaj, Eldar Ganiev, Souvik Maity, Niharika Rout, Diego Tonelli, Karim Trabelsi
P. K. Resmi
Plots for B-> D(*)h, J/psiK(*) in 472 pb-1 collision data. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-020 Vishal Bhardwaj, Eldar Ganiev, Souvik Maity, Niharika Rout, Diego Tonelli, Karim Trabelsi
P. K. Resmi
Plots for D^{*}-> D\pi, D-> Kspi0 in 472 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-021 Vishal Bhardwaj, Eldar Ganiev, Souvik Maity, Niharika Rout, Diego Tonelli, Karim Trabelsi
P. K. Resmi
Plots for D^{*0}-> D\pi0, D-> K^{-}\pi^{+} in 472 pb-1 collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-022 Vishal Bhardwaj, Eldar Ganiev, Souvik Maity, Niharika Rout, Diego Tonelli, Karim Trabelsi
P. K. Resmi
Plot of π0 → γ γ invariant mass in 5 pb-1 of collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-009 Torben Ferber 2018-05-31
Plots of D* → D π, D→ K π in 5 pb-1 of collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-010 Vishal Bhardwaj, Karim Trabelsi 2018-05-31
Study of the collision point properties. BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-008 Nils Braun, Alexander Glazov, Eugenio Paoloni
Felix Metzer
Plot of K_S^0 → π+ π- invariant mass in 5 pb-1 of collision data BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-006 Bryan Fulsom 2018-05-25
Early Plots on SVD Reconstruction Performance BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2018-005 Giulia Casarosa 2018-05-16
Benchmarking analysis of B0 → K∗(892)0γ with Phase II data BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2017-007 Samuel Cunliffe, Malachi Schram 2017-08-24
Measurement of Hadronic Mass Moments in B->Xclv Decays at Belle II BELLE2-CONF-PH-2020-011 Florian Bernlochner, Maximilian Welsch 1993-09-01
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