| Lepton flavour violation in τ decays at Belle II: τ → l γ
/ Braden Moore ; Phillip Urquijo
Presented on 28 10 2016 MSc
The University of Melbourne
/ Melbourne
A study of charged lepton flavour violating τ decays τ → μγ and τ → eγ at Belle II was performed over a 1 ab−1 total luminosity Monte Carlo sample. [...]
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| Heavy Flavour Physics: CP violation, Pre-SUSY School 2016
/ Phillip Urquijo
01 July 2016
/ SUSY 2016
Lecture on CP violation in heavy flavour physics presented to the Pre-SUSY School in Melbourne 2016..
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| Heavy Flavour Physics: Rare Decays, Pre-SUSY School 2016
/ Phillip Urquijo
30 June 2016
/ SUSY 2016
Lecture on rare decays in heavy flavour physics presented to the Pre-SUSY School in Melbourne 2016..
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| CP Violation: B physics
/ Phillip Urquijo
Workshop presentation at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics
07 June 2016
/ Bayogenesis - Status of Experiment and Theory
I motivate the measurement of CP violation in B-physics. [...]
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| Extrapolation of B → K(∗)νν ̄ to the full Belle II dataset
/ Phillip Urquijo
01 February 2016
This memo briefly describes the extrapolation of B → K(∗)νν ̄ to Belle II..
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| Physics at Super B Factory
/ T. Aushev ; W. Barte ; A. Bondar ; J. Brodzicka ; et al
[KEK Report 2009-12] [arXiv:1002.5012]
11 February 2010
This report presents the results of studies that investigate the physics reach at a Super B factory, an asymmetric-energy e+e− collider with a design luminosity of 8×10^35 cm−2s−1, which is around 50 times as large as the peak luminosity achieved by the KEKB collider. [...]
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| Physics prospects at the Belle II experiment
/ Phillip Urquijo
[Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 263–264 (2015) 15–23] [doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.04.004]
Proceedings of Capri 2014 – Fifth Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics
01 June 2015
A review of the flavour physics program for the Belle II experiment is presented, including projections for precision on key observables. [...]
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| Summary of the 2nd B2TiP workshop (Krakow)
/ Emi Kou ; Phillip Urquijo
23 June 2015
In this short note, we summarize the report from the working groups on the last day of the 2nd B2TiP Workshop at Krakow (26-29 April, 2015). [...]
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| The Belle II Experiment
/ Phillip Urquijo
23 May 2014
/ Fifth Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics (May 23-25, 2014, Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Capri Island, Italy)
Physics Prospects at Belle II
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| Flavour physics at Belle II
/ Phillip Urquijo
40 minutes
04 March 2015
/ Flavor and Top Physics @100 TeV Workshop (March 4-7, 2015, IHEP, Beijing, China)
Review of the Belle II flavour physics program..
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