Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 263–264 (2015) 15–23 doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.04.004 BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2016-003

Physics prospects at the Belle II experiment

Phillip Urquijo

01 June 2015

Abstract: A review of the flavour physics program for the Belle II experiment is presented, including projections for precision on key observables. The Belle II experiment is located at the second generation asymmetric e+e− collider SuperKEKB. It will be used to search for new phenomena at the flavour frontier.

Keyword(s): neutrino: mass generation ; K0: final state ; accelerator ; CKM ; BELLE ; CERN LHC Coll ; B: semileptonic decay ; neutrino: mass ; quark ; CP: violation ; CKM matrix ; time dependence ; nucleus ; suppression ; mixing ; decay: time ; right-handed ; beam: asymmetry ; vertex detector ; particle: interaction ; symmetry: flavor ; B: width ; electron positron: interaction ; lepton: decay ; tau: decay ; beam: energy ; leptonic decay ; isospin: violation ; interference ; B: decay ; fermion: mass ; asymmetry: CP ; particle identification ; radiative decay ; Higgs particle ; branching ratio ; decay: vertex ; new particle ; sensitivity ; flavor: violation: minimal
Note: Proceedings of Capri 2014 – Fifth Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics

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Conference Submissions > Proceedings

 Record created 2016-01-18, last modified 2022-01-24

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