| BSM Discovery Potential of Belle II in b->c and b-->s
/ Tom Browder
35 minutes. Workshop format with multiple interruptions.
09 March 2023
/ Anomalies at the Simons Center
We describe the BSM discovery potential of Belle II@SuperKEKB in b->c and b->s processes. [...]
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| The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment
/ Kookhyun Kang ; on behalf of the Belle-II SVD Collaboration
Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Vertex Detectors
13 January 2023
Belle II is an experiment taking data at an asymmetric energy e+e- collider, SuperKEKB, which is operated at the Υ(4S) resonance energy. [...]
| Measurement of the branching fraction for the decay $B \to K^{\ast}(892)\ell^+\ell^-$ at Belle II
/ Seema Choudhury
20 September 2022
We report a measurement of the branching fraction of $B \to K^{\ast}(892)\ell^+\ell^-$ decays, where $\ell^+\ell^- = \mu^+\mu^-$ or $e^+e^-$, using electron-positron collisions recorded at an energy at or near the $\Upsilon(4S)$ mass and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $189$ fb$^{-1}$ [...]
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| Measurements of the branching fraction, isospin asymmetry, and lepton-universality ratio in {\boldmath $B \to J/\psi K$} decays at Belle II
/ S. Halder ; R. Tiwary ; S. Sandilya ; G. B. Mohanty
21 July 2022
We report a study of $B \to J/\psi(\ell^{+}\ell^{-}) K$ decays, where $\ell$ represents an electron or a muon, using $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance [...]
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| A new Software Training Model at Belle II
/ Kilian Lieret ; Alejandro Mora ; Moritz Bauer ; Michel Bertemes ; et al
24 November 2021
/ ACAT 2021
The physics output of modern experimental HEP collaborations hinges not only on the quality of its software but also on the ability of the collaborators to make the best possible use of it. [...]
Fulltext: PDF; |
| From Belle to Belle II (and beyond) [Challenges for Belle II in the "Anomaly Era"
/ Tom Browder (University of Hawai'i)
30 minutes, Talk commissioned by Dr Gianluca Inguglia for the closeout of the workshop.
09 September 2021
/ Anomalies and Precision in the Belle II Era
I provide a historical perspective on the successes, technical problems of Belle and KEKB before discussing the current luminosity world-records of SuperKEKB and the prospect of resolving its current problems. [...]
Fulltext: PPTX; |
| Search for lepton flavor universality violation in leptonic tau decays with 1x1 and 3x1 topologies.
/ The Belle II Collaboration
07 September 2021
This public plot document presents MC sensitivity studies for the search for LFU violation in $\tau \rightarrow \ell \bar{\nu} \nu$ decays using 1x1 and 3x1 prong $\tau$-pair events..
Fulltext: PDF; |
| Belle II Status and Prospects for New Physics
/ Tom Browder
60 minutes (Indian Summer School sponsored by MNIT Jaipur)
19 July 2021
/ Software Tools and Techniques in EHEP and Its applications
I review the status of Belle II@SuperKEKB including new luminosity world records, recent results on the dark sector, B physics, charm and tau physics. [...]
Fulltext: PPTX; |
| Measurement of the time-integrated mixing probability chi_d with a semileptonic double-tagging strategy and 34.6 fb^-1 of Belle II collision data
/ Florian Bernlochner ; Jochen Dingfelder ; Stephan Duell ; Peter Lewis
06 April 2021
We present a first measurement of the time-integrated mixing probability chi_d using Belle II collision data corresponding to the integrated luminosity of 34.6 fb^-1. [...]
Fulltext: PDF; |
| Lepton Identification using Belle II Silicon-strip Vertex Detector
/ R. Tiwary
16 March 2021
We improve the identification performance of low-momentum leptons, especially electrons, using the specific ionisation information from the silicon-strip vertex detector (SVD) of the Belle II experiment..
Fulltext: PDF; |