Time-integrated WS-to-RS ratio of the 𝑫0 βˆ’β†’ 𝑲+π…βˆ’π…0 decay at Belle II

Chanchal Sharma, Kavita Lalwani

27 December 2023

Abstract: In the standard model, mixing and CP violation in the charm sector are expected to be very small, and thus, they constitute a sensitive probe for potential new physics contributions. The β€œwrong-sign” 𝐷0 βˆ’β†’ 𝐾+πœ‹βˆ’πœ‹0 decay is one of the most promising channels at Belle II, as this can be produced through two interfering processes: a direct doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay of the 𝐷0 meson, or through 𝐷0-𝐷¯0 mixing followed by a Cabibbo-favored decay of the 𝐷¯0 meson. In this work, we report the time-integrated WS-to-RS ratio of the β€œwrong-sign” 𝐷0 βˆ’β†’ 𝐾+πœ‹βˆ’πœ‹0 decay in the simulation of the integrated luminosity of 1π‘Žπ‘βˆ’1 at Belle II. The Belle II is the upgraded experimental facility at SuperKEKB, KEK, Japan. This study will be used to measure the mixing and CP Violation of the "wrong-sign" 𝐷0 βˆ’β†’ 𝐾+πœ‹βˆ’πœ‹0 decay.

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 Record created 2023-12-27, last modified 2023-12-27

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