First Conceptual Design and Studies for a Tracking Time Projection Chamber for the Belle II Experiment

Sumitted to PubDB: 2021-10-05

Category: Master Thesis, Visibility: Public

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Authors Jochen Dingfelder, Peter Lewis, Andreas Loeschcke Centeno
Date Jan. 1, 2021
Belle II Number BELLE2-MTHESIS-2021-073
Abstract This thesis deals with simulating a tracking time projection chamber (TPC) for the \Btwo experiment at the SuperKEKB accelerator and using the simulation for first studies. The tracker for the \Btwo experiment, the Central Drift Chamber (CDC), suffers from high occupancy due to large beam backgrounds. While at the current luminosity of the SuperKEKB accelerator the operation of the drift chamber is still possible, there is a possibility that the CDC performance will be inadequate at full design luminosity. Therefore, an upgrade of the tracking system of \Btwo is developed as a contingency. This project includes a TPC in the upgrade proposal as a replacement tracker for the CDC. In order to study the properties of a TPC operating in the \Btwo experiment, the TPC is simulated within the \Btwo software and analysis framework. Using this simulation the conditions for tracking can be investigated. Additionally, some of the physics benchmarks for the TPC are tested. Since the TPC cannot provide all the functions of the CDC, alternative solutions have to be proposed. This thesis is a proof-of-concept for a tracking TPC for the \Btwo experiment. The results of these first investigations can be used to initiate further studies for a Belle II TPC.
Conference Bonn
