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Libby -
09 Jul 2019, 11:36
Dear Manish,
There are still a few things to be fixed. Some of which I had already pointed out.

- CP should be in italics everywhere, you have just fixed the cases I highlighted then forgot to do the rest

Page 1

Fig. 1 - the reference for this is not [3], it is where you good the figure from, which I think was the Acheivements paper you originally had there.

Then large -> Then a large

the division symbol (which you thought I suggested because I was commenting that you should remove the colon) should be remove before Eq. 1. No colons are required before Eq. 2 or the definitions of R either.

Page 2

Table 1: Remove Sr. No column

Page 3

the collision data -> collision data

With phase II results, we -> We

last line of Sec. 1: Monte Carlo (MC) -> MC [as it has already been defined]

The study begins with the reconstruction of -> We reconstruct the decay

Distribution -> The distribution

invariant -> the invariant (twice)

Invariant mass -> The invariant mass distribution

are are -> is

D^{0}(hh)->D^{0}(K^+K^-} then delete 'where $h$ is Kaon'

The work...-> Fig. 4 shows the $M_{\rm bc}$ and $\Delta E$ distributions reconstructed from the MC sample; work is in progress to reconstruct $B$ mesons in the Phase II data.

Page 4
The large statistics....Clear ->The full $50~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$ data sample to be collected by Belle II at SuperKEKB will provide a substantial improvement in the precision measurement of $\phi_3$. A clear

at an -> corresponding to an

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