R-measurements in Belle II

Sumitted to PubDB: 2018-03-29

Category: Talk, Visibility: Public

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Non-Belle II authors Maeda Yosuke
Date Feb. 13, 2018
Belle II Number BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2018-017
Abstract Precision measurement of hadron production cross section in electron-positron collision is an important input for theoretical calculation of muon g-2. pi+pi- production gives the dominant contribution and has been measured by many experiments. However, its precision is not yet enough to claim the current discrepancy of measurement and predicted value is due to new physics. Belle II is a new experiment which has capacity to measure it and can give large contribution to achieve higher precision. In this talk, we will discuss Belle II performance for this measurement based on simulation studies, focusing on possible improvement from previous measurements.
Conference Workshop on hadronic vacuum polarization contributions to muon g-2
