Computing at Belle II (T.Hara)

Takanori Hara

22 February 2010

Abstract: he Belle II experiment, a next-generation B factory experiment at KEK, is expected to record atwo orders of magnitude larger data volume than its predecessor, the Belle experiment. The datasize and rate are comparable to the ones of LHC experiments and requires to change the comput-ing model from the Belle way, where basically all computing resources were provided by KEK,to a more distributed scheme. While we adopt existing grid technologies for our baseline design,we also investigate the possibility of using cloud computing for peaking resource demands. Animportant task of the computing framework is to provide easy and transparent access to data andto facilitate the bookkeeping of processed files and failed jobs. To achieve this we set up a meta-data catalog based on AMGA and plan to use it in a bookkeeping service that is based on conceptsimplemented in the SAM data handling system used at CDF and D0

Keyword(s): Belle II Computing
Note: Date of Document is uncertian

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 Record created 2017-03-09, last modified 2017-03-09

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