Searches for lepton-flavour violation in $\tau$ decays at Belle and Belle$~$II

Wenzhe Li

15 August 2024

Abstract: The Belle II experiment is an upgrade of the Belle experiment, and both have extensive plans to search for new physics, in particular to search for lepton flavour and number and baryon number violations (LFV, LNV and BNV) in tau decays. In the low background environment of the $e^+e^-$ collision experiment, the production cross section for $\tau$ pairs is relatively large, providing many opportunities to search for $\tau$ LFV decays in the Belle and Belle II experiments. We present recent results from the search for LFV decay $\tau^- \to \ell^- V^0$ ($\ell = e,\,\mu \,\rm{and}\, V^0=\rho^0,\, \omega,\, \phi,\, K^{*0}$ and $\bar{K}^{*0}$) at Belle, and search for BNV decay $\tau^- \to \Lambda(\bar{\Lambda}) \pi^-$ and LFV decay $\tau^- \to \mu^-\mu^+\mu^-$ at Belle II.

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Conference Submissions > Proceedings

 Record created 2024-09-15, last modified 2024-09-19

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