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Petar Rados -
18 Mar 2024, 18:39
Dear Ale,
Thanks for preparing these well written proceedings.

Find below my minor com:

- “In this contribution” —> “In these proceedings”?

Section 1:
- You could put a reference (e.g technical design reports) for each experiment when it is first mentioned (BaBar, Belle, LHCb).
- Remove the spaces inside “C K M” —> “CKM” , also maybe it is better to write[1], [2] as [1,2]
- “standard model”—> Standard Model
- “In the discovery of” —> in the search for?

Section 2:
- You could also put a reference the first time you mention KEKB and SuperKEKB
- “All the other subsystems have been completely redesigned” —> perhaps you can list them (PXD, SVD etc)
- “collecting” —> delivering (I guess SuperKEKB delivers it and Belle II collects it)
- “of a factor” —> by a factor
- “with the plan of resuming physics data taking in February 2024” —> you say that we have already started
- On top of page you have “Epiphany ̇gaz”, is this intended or maybe the name of the tex file you compiled?

Section 3:
- Looks like reference 5 is incomplete (I guess you meant to write arXiv:2402.17260)
- Could put a reference for “graph convolutional neural network”
- For the measured values of S and C, add (stat) and (syst) to make clear what is what. Shouldn’t these results have equation numbers like all the other you show later? (The numbering only starts with the φ3 result in the next section)
- Figure 1 caption: might want to describe what is shown in the lower panels.

Section 4:
- I would put “D = D0,D0, and h = π, K” in brackets

- Section 5:
- Could add a reference after “some of the deviations that have been observed in b → sll transitions”
- Figure 3 caption: could be more descriptive on what is shown in right plot.

Section 6:
- “The first variable” —> “The first variable in the fit”
- Figure 5 (right) is not mentioned in the main body of the text. After “The search for peaking structure in the mass recoiling against the μ+μ− system does not yield any significant signal” you could refer to that figure.
Alessandro Gaz -
19 Mar 2024, 14:56
Dear Petar,

thank you very much for your useful comments. I have implemented part of them into v2, which is now uploaded to the document server.
Please see my detailed replies below.

Best regards,


Petar Rados - wrote on 18 Mar 2024, 18:39:

Dear Ale,
Thanks for preparing these well written proceedings.

Find below my minor com:

- “In this contribution” —> “In these proceedings”?

This could refer both to the talk and the proceedings, so I would keep "contribution"

Section 1:
- You could put a reference (e.g technical design reports) for each experiment when it is first mentioned (BaBar, Belle, LHCb).

I agree it would be useful, but I am extremely tight on space, overall.

- Remove the spaces inside “C K M” —> “CKM” , also maybe it is better to write[1], [2] as [1,2]

- “standard model”—> Standard Model
Journal paper always want standard model without capitalization, so I keep to this standard.

- “In the discovery of” —> in the search for?
Here I am referring to past experiments, which not only searched for, but actually discovered new particles.

Section 2:
- You could also put a reference the first time you mention KEKB and SuperKEKB
Sorry, I have to limit the number of references, so I cannot put references of past experiments/accelerators.

- “All the other subsystems have been completely redesigned” —> perhaps you can list them (PXD, SVD etc)

But the acronyms won't really be useful, as I don't mention specific subdetectors in teh following

- “collecting” —> delivering (I guess SuperKEKB delivers it and Belle II collects it)


- “of a factor” —> by a factor

- “with the plan of resuming physics data taking in February 2024” —> you say that we have already started

Ok, changed

- On top of page you have “Epiphany ̇gaz”, is this intended or maybe the name of the tex file you compiled?

that comes from the template I have been told to use, so I guess it is intended

Section 3:
- Looks like reference 5 is incomplete (I guess you meant to write arXiv:2402.17260)

Ah, good catch, thank you.

- Could put a reference for “graph convolutional neural network”

Not sure which one would be a good on.

- For the measured values of S and C, add (stat) and (syst) to make clear what is what. Shouldn’t these results have equation numbers like all the other you show later? (The numbering only starts with the φ3 result in the next section)

OK, fixed

- Figure 1 caption: might want to describe what is shown in the lower panels.
Thank you, I added a line.

Section 4:
- I would put “D = D0,D0, and h = π, K” in brackets
Ok, changed.

- Section 5:
- Could add a reference after “some of the deviations that have been observed in b → sll transitions”
It would be very tough to choose only one...

- Figure 3 caption: could be more descriptive on what is shown in right plot.
Sure, I added some details.

Section 6:
- “The first variable” —> “The first variable in the fit”

Ok, changed

- Figure 5 (right) is not mentioned in the main body of the text. After “The search for peaking structure in the mass recoiling against the μ+μ− system does not yield any significant signal” you could refer to that figure.

Thank you, I added the reference.

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