Recent Belle II results in charm physics

Sumitted to PubDB: 2023-08-31

Category: Talk, Visibility: Public

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Authors Angelo Di Canto
Date Aug. 21, 2023
Belle II Number BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2023-125
Abstract Charm physics, involving a heavy up-type quark, offers a pathway to search for new particles and couplings beyond the Standard Model complementary to that of B physics. A program based on precision measurements of charm lifetimes is now underway at Belle II, and benefits from the detector`s outstanding vertexing performance and low-background environment. Recent results from measurements of D_s meson and Omega_c baryon lifetimes are presented. In addition, a novel algorithm to identify the flavor of neutral charm mesons is presented that effectively doubles the sample size for many measurements of CP violation and flavor mixing.
Conference European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics
