Status and prospects for rare B decays at Belle and Belle II

Gaetano de Marino

03 July 2023

Abstract: Rare $B$ decays are at the front of Belle~II physics program. As the Belle~II experiment concludes three years of data taking, collecting a sample of roughly $\SI{424}{fb^{-1}}$ -- in size comparable to BaBar's and around half of Belle's --, first results on rare $B$ decays have already been shown since 2021. The latest is the inclusive $\mathcal{B}(B\!\to\!X_s \gamma)$ measurement, described in this document. We then summarize the results related to $b\!\to\!s\ell\bar{\ell}\,(\ell\!=\!e,\mu,\tau,\nu)$ decays and provide the projections at higher statistics. Finally, we present two recent Belle searches of lepton flavor violating $b\!\to\!s\tau\ell$~transitions.

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 Record created 2023-07-03, last modified 2023-07-03

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