A study on CP violation in the 𝐷0 → 𝜋+𝜋− and 𝐷0 → 𝐾+𝐾− decay channels using the Belle II experiment and a detailed research on the 𝐷∗+ → 𝐷0𝜋+ decays to develop a related analysis software tool

Sumitted to PubDB: 2022-07-14

Category: Master Thesis, Visibility: Public

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Authors Doris Kim, Ijeong Na
Non-Belle II authors Taehoon Lee, Myung- Cheon
Date 2021-01-01
Belle II Number BELLE2-MTHESIS-2022-009
Abstract The Belle II experiment started its physics run in 2019 and has accumulated more than 213.49/fb heretofore, and aims to accumulate more than 50/ab until the end of the experiment. Based on the latest BelleII Monte Carlo simulation dataset, this thesis delve into the strategy to search for CP violation effect in the 𝐷0 → 𝜋+𝜋− and 𝐷0 → 𝐾+𝐾− channels in order to perform the real data analysis by adopting the 𝐷∗+ tagging method which have been used from Belle experiment. The event selection and fitting procedures to obtain the preliminary result will be discussed, while thoroughly investigating the accuracy and usability of the 𝐷∗+ tagging method
Conference Seoul
