Prospects of the new physics search at Belle II by precise measurements of the CKM matrix elements

Yun-Tsung Lai

15 March 2022
JPS Spring 2022

Abstract: In Standard Model, CKM matrix describes the quark coupling strength with weak interaction, as the determination on the elements is always an important field in flavor physics. Deviation from the unitarity of the matrix can be an indication to physics beyond the Standard Model. Measurements on various B decay mechanisms provide experimental constraints on each of the matrix elements, as some of them are unique to B factories. Belle II experiment at SuperKEKB has started beam collision since 2018. It is designed to reach an expected instantaneous luminosity of 6*10^35 cm^-2s^-1 and a integrated luminosity of ~50 ab^-1. Measurement in Belle II benefits not only from the larger amount of data but also the better performance in both detectors and software packages. e.g. tracking, vertexing, PID, reconstruction, etc, as they will improve the determination on CKM matrix elements in various aspects. This talk will review on status of measurements associated to each element, the possible improvement on the sensitivity and the prospect in Belle II.

Note: 30 min

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Public Talks

 Record created 2022-04-05, last modified 2022-04-05

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