MC study to obtain reconstruction efficiencies to measure branching fraction of D+ -> K+ pi0 mode

Sumitted to PubDB: 2022-09-05

Category: Bachelor Thesis, Visibility: Public

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Authors Haeyun Hwang, Doris Kim
Date 2021-01-01
Belle II Number BELLE2-UTHESIS-2021-001
Abstract Measuring the branching fraction of the D meson rare decay is important for validating the theoretical calculations of the standard model. The goal of this thesis is to obtain reconstruction efficiencies that required to measuring the branching fraction of D+ → K+ pi0 mode. The modes are D+ → K+ pi0 as a signal mode, D+ → K- pi0 pi0 as a reference mode, and its charge conjugated modes. In this thesis, we reconstructed Signal MC data samples which contain beam background(BGX1) and we figured out the optimized selection criteria for the samples. As a result, the reconstruction efficiencies we obtained are 7.35% ± 0.1232% for D+ → K+ pi0 mode, 7.05% ± 0.1161% for D- → K- pi0 mode, 11.686% ± 0.0439% for D+ → K- pi+ pi+ mode and 11.838% ± 0.0444% for D- → K+ pi- pi- mode. Limitation of the study is that the data samples we used contain only beam background. Therefore, it is necessary to find more appropriate selection criteria and reconstruction efficiency.
Conference Seoul
