Improved measurement of CP asymmetry in function of time, of B0->pi+pi- K0S gamma decay in Belle II with a new pixelated vertex detector

Sumitted to PubDB: 2021-06-28

Category: Master Thesis, Visibility: Public

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Authors Christian Finck, Levana Gesson
Date 2021-01-01
Belle II Number BELLE2-MTHESIS-2021-027
Abstract An improvement of the vertex detector of the Belle II detector is planned for 2026. This vertex detector will be totally pixelated. The objective of the latter is to have a greater safety margin with higher background noise, while maintaining (at least) the performance of the current detector. The objective of this internship was therefore to test the performance of the Belle II detector current improved, through simulation, on the decay channel B0->pi+pi- K0S gamma. In this study, we will rely on the measurement of total efficiency detection of B0, and spatial and temporal resolutions of the different particles detected. It will be a matter of comparing these values ​​with those obtained with the current geometry by Belle II.
Conference Strasbourg
