The Belle II experiment and first physics results

Alessandro Gaz

14 December 2020
XXIV DAQ-BRNS high energy physics symposium

Abstract: The Belle II experiment has recently started operations at the SuperKEKB e+e− collider, located at the KEK laboratory in Tsukuba (Japan). The unprecedented luminosity that it plans to collect in the next decade (50 ab−1) will allow Belle II to greatly exceed the precision achieved by the first generation of B- factory experiments (BaBar and Belle), on the physics of B mesons, charmed particles, τ leptons, and exotic states.After summarizing the challenges and the innovative solutions for accelerator and detector, the physics program of the experiment will be broadly presented, with particular emphasis to the areas on which some intriguing anomalies are now appearing. In many of these cases, the input from Belle II will be crucial to confirm or disprove these hints of physics beyond the standard model.In the last part of the presentation, an overview of the physics results obtained with the early datasets will be given. Among these, some searches for Dark Sector particles are already capable of probing new ground, despite the relatively small integrated luminosity collected so far.

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 Record created 2020-12-16, last modified 2020-12-16

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