Measurement of the tracking efficiency and fake rate with e+e- -> tau+tau- events
Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public
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Authors | |
Non-Belle II authors | The Belle II Collaboration |
Date | 2020-07-24 |
Belle II Number | BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2020-014 |
Abstract | The tracking efficiency and fake rate have been measured using e+e− → τ+τ− events, where one tau lepton decays leptonically (τ → l±ν ν ̄ , l = e, μ) while the other decays hadronically into three charged pions (τ → 3π±ντ + nπ0). These measurements were performed using the e+e− collision data recorded during the 2019a, 2019b and 2019c data taking periods. This document contains the approved plots and captions. |
BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2020-014.pdf (versions: 1)
latest upload: 2024-12-02