The Belle II simulation library

Sumitted to PubDB: 2019-03-09

Category: Poster, Visibility: Public

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Authors Doris Yangsoo Kim
Non-Belle II authors The Belle II Simulation Group
Date March 9, 2019
Belle II Number BELLE2-POSTER-CONF-2019-004
Abstract The SuperKEKB collider and the Belle II experiment have finished the second phase of their runs in 2018, which was an essential step to study the e+ e- beam collisions and prepare for the third phase of the runs. The third phase starts at the beginning of 2019, and it is planned to collected a data sample of 50/ab during the following decade. The simulation library of the Belle II experiment is based on Geant4, which allows the full detector simulation. In this talk, we will discuss the detailed structure of the simulation library and will review the ongoing projects to optimize the usage of the Geant4 for the sake of the Belle II specific environment.
Conference ACAT 2019
