- presence of the new Physics -> presence of New Physics
- Experiments performed to measure the CKM angle phi3 -> Results of phi3 from different experiments (or something similar)
- Results are very obsolete for LHCb (it was in 2014...) and has been improved since ~5 degree, please check... (no need to use my old talk as reference here)
- DR2 (Dress Rehearsal)... nobody would understand, just write "phase 2 MC (1 fb^-1)"
- why not showing Ks from phase 2 data side by side with the MC ?
- precise Ks vertex is not needed here, as this is not a time-dependent analysis, so reference to Belle II SVD is not necessary...
- not sure, you need "Acknowledgements" on a poster...
Dear Manish,
Thank you for preparing the poster. I have some comments box-wise below:
All the best,
Physics Motivation
The sub-bullets starting "To check...." and "To probe..." are really saying the same thing it would be better to say that
"....highly desirable to independently measure the CKM Unitarity Triangle using either tree-level (Standard Model) or loop-level (possibly New Physics contribution) processes"
or similar
- The latest LHCb number can be found at http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/hflav/triangle/moriond2018/index.shtml#gamma_comb
- "Hence a precision..." is repetition of earlier ones
Should cite the GGSZ paper and explain how the interference of two tree amplitudes leads to sensitivity to gamma.
Also, it is always worth noting the lack of theory required to extract the value of gamma
(see for example https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FJHEP01%282014%29051)
Also the particular mode your are describing you never mention how the variation of the direct CP violation over the Dalitz plot allows all parameters rB, deltaB and gamma to be extracted.
sqrt(S) -> sqrt(s)
B and Bbar fonts should match
The cartoons of the bunches interacting at KEKB and SuperKEKB clearly show how the beta function has been reduced by factor 20 to get the luminosity increased when coupled with doubling the currents.
Belle II Detector
Make sure your yellow arrows are not overwriting the text
Maybe point out that the SVD K0S coverage is much improved over Belle as it is relevant to your study.
Can you not show an event display of one of the hadronic collisions?
with Belle II -> than Belle (as it is clear you are discussing Belle II from box title)
Physics Analysis of B->DK
-include data plots as they are approved particularly for D->K0Spipi and K0Spipi
50 ab-1 results
- Please cite B2TIP report and CKMfitter not Nisar!
- Highlight the loop tree tension in the righthand plot.
- Shouldn't this box be in the bottom right corner?
Bullet 2: started on -> on
Bullet 3: isn't the acceptance increase more important than the vertex resolution.
Bullet 4: The is a K missing at the
Bullet 5: add the data!
Bullet 6: Delta E and M_BC are used to discriminate the signal. (You are not simulating these observables you are simulating B->DK events.)