Kaon and Pion Identification Performances in Phase III data

Sumitted to PubDB: 2019-08-04

Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public

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Authors Saurabh Sandilya, Alan Schwartz
Date Aug. 3, 2019
Belle II Number BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2019-022
Abstract We study the performances of the charged Kaon and Pion identification based on 2.62 fb−1 Phase III data from the Physics runs taken during summer 2019 and compare with Phase III Monte Carlo events. The efficiency and the fake rates of kaon and pion identification are calculated using D ∗+ → D 0 [K − π + ]π + decays for the binary PID criteria (obtained from ALL the subdetectors combined). The study is performed in the momentum and polar angle bins.
