Search for Inelastic Dark Matter at Belle II: plots for approval for Long-lived particles at Belle II Workshop
Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public
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Authors | |
Non-Belle II authors | The Belle II Collaboration |
Date | Dec. 2, 2020 |
Belle II Number | BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2020-029 |
Abstract | Simulation results are presented for the ongoing analysis to search for inelastic Dark Matter (iDM) at Belle II. iDM features a Long-Lived Particle detector signature and an unconstrained parameter space that can be explored with the 2020/2021 Belle II dataset. This note outlines the current iDM selection and presents plots for approval showing some characteristic features of the iDM signal as well as the background rejection achieved by key analysis variables. A radiative Bhabha control sample to be used for data validation studies is also briefly outlined. Using a simple cut and count technique the expected signal yield is shown for a 100 fb |
BELLE2-NOTE-PL-2020-029.pdf (versions: 1)
latest upload: 2024-12-02