Lepton flavour violation in τ decays at Belle II τ → l γ
Category: Master Thesis, Visibility: Public
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Authors | Braden Moore, Phillip Urquijo |
Date | 2016-01-01 |
Belle II Number | BELLE2-MTHESIS-2017-002 |
Abstract | A study of charged lepton flavour violating τ decays τ → μγ and τ → eγ at Belle II was performed over a 1 ab−1 total luminosity Monte Carlo sample. A 90 % confidence level upper limit sensitivity of B(τ → μγ) < 2.726 × 10−8 was found, consistent with previous searches. Precision measurements of electron modes were found to not be fully supported by the Belle II software at this stage, so no branching fraction was determined for τ → eγ. |
Conference | Melbourne |
BELLE2-MTHESIS-2017-002.pdf (versions: 1)
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