Search for new physics in B0 radiative decays and measure of their lifetime with the Belle II experiment
Category: Phd Thesis, Visibility: Public
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Authors | Jerome Baudot, Reem Rasheed |
Date | Jan. 1, 2020 |
Belle II Number | BELLE2-PTHESIS-2021-001 |
Abstract | After the Big Bang matter and antimatter were present in equal amounts. Today, however, everything we see, is made almost entirely of matter. A fundamental ingredient to explain this asymmetry between matter and antimatter is the violation of the CP (Charge Parity) symmetry. CP violation has been observed but quantitatively not enough to explain the huge asymmetry. The Belle II experiment in Japan studies the particles produced in electron-positron collisions at the SuperKEKB collider, the highest intensity collider in the World, allowing a high precision measurements of the known sources of CP violation and looking for new ones. In my PhD, I worked on measuring the CP violation in B meson radiative decays (decays with photon in final state) particularly promising thanks to their high sensitivity to possible new processes. Following this analysis, I started a new measurement of the B mesons lifetime where I could verify the robustness of the tools used in the CP violation measurement. Keywords : CP violation, lifetime, B meson, SuperKEKB collider, Belle II, asymmetry, collider, Electron-Positron Collisions, highest intensity, |
Conference | Strasbourg |
BELLE2-PTHESIS-2021-001.pdf (versions: 1)
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