Track Finding at Belle II

Sumitted to PubDB: 2020-03-27

Category: Technical Paper, Visibility: Public

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Authors Valerio Bertacchi, Tadeas Bilka, Nils Braun, Giulia Casarosa, Luigi Corona, Samuel Cunliffe, Filippo Dattola, Gaetano de Marino, Giacomo De Pietro, Giulio Dujany, Patrick Ecker, Michael Eliachevitch, Tristan Fillinger, Oliver Frost, Uwe Gebauer, Alexander Glazov, Nicolas Gosling, Aiqiang Guo, Thomas Hauth, Martin Heck, Mateusz Kaleta, Jakub Kandra, Claus Kleinwort, Thomas Kuhr, Simon Kurz, Peter Kvasnicka, Jakob Lettenbichler, Thomas Lueck, Alberto Martini, Felix Metzner, Dmitrii Neverov, Carsten Niebuhr, Eugenio Paoloni, Sourav Patra, Leo Piilonen, Cyrille Praz, Markus Prim, Christian Pulvermacher, Sebastian Racs, Petar Kevin Rados, Martin Ritter, Armine Rostomyan, Bianca Scavino, Benjamin Schwenker, Stefano Spataro, Bjoern Spruck, Henrikas Svidras, Francesco Tenchini, James Webb, Christian Wessel, Laura Zani
Non-Belle II authors Rudolf Fruehwirth, Navid Khandan, Tobias Schlueter, Dong Thanh
Date March 25, 2020
Belle II Number BELLE2-PUB-TE-2020-001
Abstract This paper describes the track-finding algorithm that is used for event reconstruction in the Belle II experiment operating at the SuperKEKB B-factory in Tsukuba, Japan. The algorithm is designed to balance the requirements of a high efficiency to find charged particles with a good track parameter resolution, a low rate of spurious tracks, and a reasonable demand on CPU resources. The software is implemented in a flexible, modular manner and employs a diverse selection of global and local track-finding algorithms to achieve an optimal performance.
