Vertexing and Tracking Software at Belle II
Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public
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Authors | |
Non-Belle II authors | Tobias Schlüter |
Date | 2014-09-15 |
Belle II Number | BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2017-009 |
Abstract | BelleII is a Bfactory experiment aiming to start physics data takingin2017. Itiscurrentlybeing setupattheSuperKEKBacceleratorattheKEKfacilityinTsukuba(Japan),anasymmetrice+e− collider which aims to achieve an unprecedented instantaneous luminosity of 8·1035Hz/cm2. This forty-fold increase over predecessor experiments is achieved by employing a novel nanobeam scheme. Originally developed for the now-defunct SuperB experiment, this scheme allows asignificantincreaseinluminosityatonlymodestincreasesofbeamcurrents. Challengesforthe vertex detector result from increased data and background rates. At full luminosity, physics data will be recorded at a rate of 30kHz. The radiation-hard DEPFET-sensors of the innermost layer of the vertex detector will be read out employing a novel data-reduction scheme using selective detectorreadoutbasedononlinereconstructionofeventdata. BelleIIusesasoftwareframework in which data handling is unified between the various data processing modules. In this way, tasks can be divided flexibly and the same software framework can be used for a diversity of tasks ranging from the high-level trigger to final processing of plots for publications. Tracking and vertexing modules are currently under development and we will discuss their features |
BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2017-009.pdf (versions: 1)
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