The simulation library of the Belle II software system

Sumitted to PubDB: 2017-05-29

Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public

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Authors Tadeas Bilka, Alexander Bobrov, Giulia Casarosa, Kirill Chilikin, Torben Ferber, Romulus Godang, Igal Jaegle, Jakub Kandra, Doris Kim, Peter Kodys, Thomas Kuhr, Peter Kvasnicka, Hiroyuki Nakayama, Leo Piilonen, Christian Pulvermacher, Martin Ritter, Luka Santelj, Benjamin Schwenker, Alexei Sibidanov, Yuri Soloviev, Marko Staric, Timofey Uglov
Date 2017-05-26
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2017-024
Abstract SuperKEKB, the next generation B factory, has been constructed in Japan as an upgrade of KEKB. This brand new e+ e- collider is expected to deliver a very large data set for the Belle II experiment, which will be 50 times larger than the previous Belle sample. Both the triggered physics event rate and the background event rate will be increased by at least 10 times than the previous ones, and will create a challenging data taking environment for the Belle II detector. The software system of the Belle II experiment is designed to execute this ambitious plan. A full detector simulation library, which is a part of the Belle II software system, is created based on Geant4 and has been tested thoroughly. Recently the library has been upgraded with Geant4 version 10.1. The library is behaving as expected and it is utilized actively in producing Monte Carlo data sets for various studies. In this paper, we will explain the structure of the simulation library and the various interfaces to other packages including geometry and beam background simulation.
