Physics prospects of exotic and conventional bottomonia at Belle II

Sumitted to PubDB: 2017-12-19

Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public

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Authors Seema Bahinipati
Date 2017-12-14
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2017-036
Abstract The Belle II experiment, being constructed at the KEK laboratory in Japan, is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector. The construction of the SuperKEKB accelerator, which is the upgrade of the KEKB accelerator, has been just completed. It aims to collect 50 times more data than the existing B-Factory samples beginning in 2018. Belle II is uniquely positioned to study the so-called XYZ particles: heavy exotic hadrons consisting of more than three quarks. First discovered by Belle, the number of these particles is in the dozens now, which implies the emergence of a new category within quantum chromodynamics. This talk will present the capabilities of Belle II to explore exotic and conventional bottomonium physics. There will be a particular focus on the physics reach of the first data, where opportunities exist to make an immediate impact in the field.
