Search for the rare decay B+ -> l nu gamma at Belle and Belle II
Sumitted to PubDB: 2018-03-13
Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public
Authors |
Moritz Gelb
Date |
2018-03-13 |
Belle II Number |
BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2018-005 |
Abstract |
The Belle collaboration reported an upper limit on the partial branching fraction on the rare decay using the full dataset recorded at the resonance. The decay allows for the extraction of the first inverse momentum of the light-cone distribution amplitude, an important parameter for QCD factorization for non-leptonic decays. We present a MC study applying an improved tagging algorithm developed for the Belle~II experiment. We observe an increase of signal reconstruction efficiency of a factor of three, improving the expected sensitivity to . Further we give an outlook for the sensitivity measuring with the Belle~II experiment. |