Status and prospects of Belle II at SuperKEKB

Sumitted to PubDB: 2018-05-14

Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public

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Authors Ilya Komarov
Date 2018-05-07
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2018-007
Abstract Belle II experiment at SuperKEKB accelerator started to collect the first data from $e^+e^-$ collisions. The dataset collected this year will be used for detector studies that will be coupled with the physics analyses, such as searches for the Dark Photon. In 2019, Belle II commissioning will enter the final phase and detector will start data taking with gradually increasing instantaneous luminosity. In this talk, we review some of the key Belle II features and analysis techniques together with their applications. Using the Full Event Interpretation algorithm, Belle II will be able to improve world average measurement of $\mathcal{R}(D^{(*)})$ by the factor of 2 by 2021. By the same time, high sensitivity to Time-Dependent CP Violation measurements will allow to improve $b\to qqs$ results twice. Belle II has an ambitious programme in $\tau$ physics, aiming to move down the upper limit of the rate of Charged Lepton Flavour Violating $\tau$ decays by the order of magnitude. Belle II has unique reach for many heavy quarkonia measurements, such as energy scans of e+e- collisions at energies above open flavour limit that will reveal the structure of heavy bottomonium-like resonances.
