Measurement of raw asymmetry in D0Ks0Ks0 decay at Belle II

Sumitted to PubDB: 2023-09-22

Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public

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Authors Sanjeeda Das, Kavita Lalwani
Date 2023-09-15
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2023-033
Abstract The decay D0Ks0Ks0 is a singly Cabibbo-suppressed transition that involves the interference between cuss and cudd amplitudes, mediated by the exchange of a W boson at the tree level, that can generate CP asymmetries at the 1% level, even if the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa phase is the only source of CP. Current experimental measurements of the CP asymmetry in D0Ks0Ks0 decays are still limited by the statistical precision. In this work, the signal yield and corresponding raw asymmetry (Araw) for D0Ks0Ks0 is measured using Belle II Monte Carlo (MC) samples at integrated luminosity of 1 ab^{−1}. The final goal of this analysis is to measure the CP asymmetry in D0Ks0Ks0, D0K+K using as the reference mode, with (Belle + Belle II) dataset.
