The Study of Radiative Ds Decays

Sumitted to PubDB: 2024-01-10

Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public

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Authors Vishal Bhardwaj, Anjan Giri, N Sushree Ipsita
Date 2023-12-26
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2023-046
Abstract The study of weak radiative decays of charmed mesons is still in its developing stage. In the Standard Model (SM), the physics of charm meson is not generally expected to have new physics (NP) discovery potential. The weak decays of D mesons are also difficult to investigate due to the strong final state interactions. It has been pointed out that the cuγ decays obtain contributions coming from the non-minimal supersymmetry, which guides for a signal of NP. From earlier studies, we noticed Rρ/ω could be violated already in the SM framework, while a similar relation for Ds+ radiative decays offers a much better test for cuγ. Here, we present a sensitivity study of the radiative charm decays Ds+ρ+γ and Ds+K+γ at the Belle detector.
