Study of B+Ds()+π0 mode at Belle

Sumitted to PubDB: 2024-01-15

Category: Proceeding, Visibility: Public

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Authors Vishal Bhardwaj
Non-Belle II authors Manish Kumar
Date 2024-01-15
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PROC-2024-004
Abstract We present here the sensitivity study of the rare decay modes B+Ds+π0 and B+Ds()+π0, at Belle using a simulated sample. The {\sc BaBar} collaboration has measured the branching fraction B(B+Ds+π0)=(1.50.4+0.5±0.1±0.2)×105 with a data sample of 232×106 BB¯ events collected at the Υ(4S) resonance. The combined data from the Belle and Belle II experiments is five times larger than the previously used. This will allow us to provide an improved measurement of the branching fraction for these decay modes, for a better bound on the ratio of the amplitudes rDπ=A(B0D+π)A(B0Dπ+) (assuming SU(3) symmetry), which is important input to extract weak phases in the time-dependent measurement of B0D±π decays. \ In addition, we aim to search for the B+Ds()+π0 mode, whose upper limit is provided by the ARGUS collaboration based on 209×103 BB¯ events.
