Measurement of the branching fraction of $B^{0}\to D^{*-}l^{+}\nu_{l}$ with early Belle II data
Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public
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Authors | Florian Bernlochner, Lu Cao, Chaoyi Lyu, Minakshi Nayak, Abner Soffer |
Date | April 15, 2020 |
Belle II Number | BELLE2-CONF-PH-2020-002 |
Abstract | We measure the branching fractions for the decays $B^{0}\to D^{*-}e^{+}\nu_{e}$ and $B^{*0}\to D^{*-}\mu^{+}\nu_{\mu}$ using the first $8.70 \pm 0.09 fb^{-}$ of data collected by the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+ e^-$ collider using the decays $D^{*+}\to D^0 \pi^+$ and $D^0\to K^-\pi^+$. |
BELLE2-CONF-PH-2020-002.pdf (versions: 2, 1)
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