Exclusive BXuν Decays with Hadronic Full-event-interpretation Tagging in 62.8\invfb of Belle II Data

Sumitted to PubDB: 2021-11-23

Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public

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Authors Moritz Bauer, Pablo Goldenzweig, Nadia Toutounji, Kevin Varvell
Date Sept. 9, 2021
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PH-2021-013
Abstract We present a reconstruction in early data of the semileptonic decay B+π0+ν, and first results of a reconstruction of the decays B+ρ0+ν and B0ρ+ν in a sample corresponding to 62.8\invfb of Belle II data using hadronic B-tagging via the full-event-interpretation algorithm. We determine the total branching fractions via fits to the distribution of the square of the missing mass, with \bfpiz{} = (8.29 ± 1.99stat ± 0.46sys) ×105, \bfrhoz{} = (9.26±6.33stat ± 0.38sys) ×105 and \bfrhoc = (1.51±1.13stat ± 0.09sys) ×104. We also quote an updated branching fraction for the B0π+ν decay, \bfpic{} = (1.47 ± 0.29stat ± 0.05sys) ×104, based on the sum of the partial branching fractions in three bins of the momentum transfer to the leptonic system.
