Measurement of the BD0ν¯ Branching Fraction in 62.8~fb1 of Belle II data

Sumitted to PubDB: 2021-10-07

Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public

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Authors Philipp Horak, Christoph Schwanda
Date Oct. 7, 2021
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PH-2021-011
Abstract We report a measurement of the branching fraction of the semileptonic decay \bdlnu (and its charge conjugate) using \mbox{62.8 fb1} of Υ(4S)BB¯~data recorded by the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy e+e collider. The neutral charm meson is searched for in the decay mode D0Kπ+ and combined with a properly charged identified lepton (electron or muon) to reconstruct this decay. No reconstruction of the second B~meson in the Υ(4S)~event is performed. We obtain B(BD0ν¯)=(2.293±0.053stat±0.084syst)%, in agreement with the world average of this decay. We also determine the ratio of the electron to muon branching fractions to be R(e/μ)=1.044±0.046stat±0.034syst and observe no deviation from lepton universality.
