Measurement of the inclusive semileptonic B meson branching fraction in 62.8/fb of Belle II data

Sumitted to PubDB: 2021-11-21

Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public

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Authors Manca Mrvar, Christoph Schwanda
Date Nov. 17, 2021
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PH-2021-012
Abstract We report a measurement of the branching fraction of inclusive semileptonic B meson decays B -> Xc l nu in Υ(4S) -> BBbar data recorded by the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider and corresponding to 62.8/fb of integrated luminosity. Only a charged lepton (electon or muon) is reconstructed and the signal yield is determined from a fit to the lepton momentum distribution in the center-of-mass frame of the colliding beams. Averaging the result in the electron and muon channels, we find Br( B -> Xclnu ) = ( 9.75 +/- 0.03(stat) +/- 0.47(syst) )%.
