Muon and electron identification efficiencies and hadron-lepton mis-identification rates at Belle II for Moriond 2022

Sumitted to PubDB: 2022-03-15

Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public

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Non-Belle II authors Charged PID Group, The Belle II Collaboration
Date March 9, 2022
Belle II Number BELLE2-CONF-PH-2022-003
Abstract We present a collection of selected results on the performance of Belle II in the identification of electrons and muons. This work is carried out using data collected at the Belle II experiment from 2019 to mid-2021. The dataset corresponds to a total integrated luminosity of L dt=190\invfb collected at the centre-of-mass energy of the Υ(4S), with an additional sample corresponding to L dt=18\invfb of off-resonance data collected over the same period.
