Measurements of the branching fraction, isospin asymmetry, and lepton-universality ratio in {\boldmath } decays at Belle II
Sumitted to PubDB: 2022-07-22
Category: Conference papers and plots, Visibility: Public
Authors |
Gagan Mohanty,
Saurabh Sandilya,
Rahul Tiwary
Non-Belle II authors |
S. Halder |
Date |
July 21, 2022 |
Belle II Number |
BELLE2-CONF-PH-2022-006 |
Abstract |
We report a study of decays, where represents an electron or a muon, using collisions at the resonance. The data were collected by the Belle~II experiment at the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy collider during 2019--2021, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of \,fb. The measured quantities are the branching fractions () of the decay channels , , , and ; the lepton-flavor-dependent isospin asymmetries for the electron [] and muon [] channels; and the ratios of branching fractions between the muon and electron channels for the charged [] and neutral kaon [] case. We obtain where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. The measurements are consistent with the world-average values. |