A new Software Training Model at Belle II
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Authors | Moritz Bauer, Michel Bertemes, Sviatoslav Bilokin, Giulia Casarosa, Samuel Cunliffe, Giacomo De Pietro, Angelo Di Canto, Nathalie Eberlein, Michael Eliachevitch, Marcela Garcia, Philip Grace, Daniel Greenwald, Oskar Hartbrich, Michel Hernandez Villanueva, Chia-Ling Hsu, Ilya Komarov, Thomas Kuhr, Yaroslav Kulii, Kilian Lieret, Frank Meier, Davide Michelino, Marco Milesi, Gian Luca Pinna Angioni, Markus Prim, Martin Ritter, Pascal Schmolz, Umberto Tamponi, Francesco Tenchini, Xing-Yu Zhou |
Non-Belle II authors | Alejandro Mora, Racha Cheaib, Markus, Hannah Wakeling |
Date | 2021-11-24 |
Belle II Number | BELLE2-POSTER-CONF-2021-003 |
Abstract | The physics output of modern experimental HEP collaborations hinges not only on the quality of its software but also on the ability of the collaborators to make the best possible use of it. With the COVID-19 pandemic making in-person training impossible, the training paradigm at Belle II was shifted towards one of guided self-study. To that end, the study material was rebuilt from scratch as a series of modular and hands-on lessons tightly integrated with the software documentation on Sphinx. Each lesson contains multiple exercises that are supplemented with hints and complete solutions. Rather than duplicating information, students are systematically taught to work with the API documentation to find the important sections for themselves. Unit tests ensure that all examples work with different software versions, and feedback buttons make it easy to submit comments for improvements. On this poster, we detail our experiences with the new setup and training model. |
Conference | ACAT 2021 |
BELLE2-POSTER-CONF-2021-003.pdf (versions: 1)
latest upload: 2024-12-02