Physics Overview of the Belle II Experiment

Sumitted to PubDB: 2019-06-29

Category: Talk, Visibility: Public

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Authors Toru Iijima
Date June 4, 2019
Belle II Number BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2019-070
Abstract The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics so far successfully explains almost all particle phenomena, including the recently discovered Higgs boson. However, there are several reasons by which physicists believe that the SM is not the ultimate theory, and that there must be New Physics. Critical tests of fundamental symmetries play important role in search for physics beyond the SM. The SuperKEKB accelerator and Belle II experiment at the KEK laboratory in Japan has started data taking just recently, and tries to find evidence for New Physics with precision measurements of rare processes of heavy flavor particles. In this talk, we present overview of the Belle II physics program with selected topics, such as CP violation in rare B decays, test of lepton universality in B decays, and lepton flavor violation inτdecays. We also present the status and prospects of the project.
Conference MENU-2019
