Recent Belle II results on electroweak and radiative penguins

Sumitted to PubDB: 2022-07-29

Category: Talk, Visibility: Public

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Authors Luka Santelj
Date 2022-07-14
Belle II Number BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2022-072
Abstract Decays of B mesons that proceed through electroweak and radiative penguin amplitudes attract significant attention due to a number of observed discrepancies between the standard-model predictions and the results. Belle II is expected to perform measurements on channels closely related to those exhibiting anomalies and that are uniquely available to Belle II. These include b -> s(d) nu nubar and b -> s(d) tau+ tau- transitions. We present recent results on b -> s l+ l- , and b-> s nu nu transitions. In addition, decays of B mesons that proceed through radiative penguin amplitudes are probes of a large class of generic non-SM models for which Belle II has unique reach. We present recent results from an inclusive b -> s gamma analysis.
Conference Quirks in quark flavour physics
