Direct measurement of ๐‘…+-0 at Belle II

Sumitted to PubDB: 2024-02-26

Category: Talk, Visibility: Public

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Authors Florian Bernlochner, Jochen Dingfelder, Anna-Maria Heyn, Munira Khan, Markus Prim
Date Feb. 26, 2024
Belle II Number BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-016
Abstract The ratio of the ฯ’(4๐‘†) โ†’ ๐ต+๐ตโˆ’ and ฯ’(4๐‘†) โ†’ ๐ต0 ยฏ๐ต0 decay rates, ๐‘…ยฑ0, represents a crucial input quantity to convert measured yields into branching fractions at ๐‘’+๐‘’โˆ’ ๐ต-factory experiments. The most precise present day determinations rely on isospin assumptions. We present the status of a novel approach to determine the ๐ตยฑ and ๐ต0 production fraction using an inclusive approach. It relies on analyzing the reconstructed number of charged tracks in a collision event. On average the decay of two ๐ต mesons results in about 10 charged final state particles and if perfectly reconstructed, the number of charged tracks from ๐ตยฑ and ๐ต0 differ by two. In this talk, we explore the experimental feasibility to determine ๐‘…ยฑ0 from a careful analysis of the number of charged tracks in a collision event. Contributions from continuum processes are suppressed using multivariate methods and the template shapes on the number of charged tracks are determined using fully hadronic control channels of self-tagging decays.
Conference DPG 2024
