Measurements of hadronic B decay rates at Belle and Belle II

Sumitted to PubDB: 2024-08-05

Category: Talk, Visibility: Public

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Authors Vismaya V S
Date July 18, 2024
Belle II Number BELLE2-TALK-CONF-2024-101
Abstract The Belle and Belle~II experiments have collected a 1.1~ab1 sample of e+eBB¯ collisions at the Υ(4S). The study of hadronic B decays in these data allow the precise measurement of absolute branching fractions and angular distributions of the decay products. These measurements provide tests of QCD and enable the generation of more realistic simulation samples. We present measurements of the decays BD0ρ, B¯0D+ππ0, BDKK and B¯0ωω. In addition, we search for the decays BD()ηπ, which can be related to poorly known BXcν decays that include an η meson in the final state.
Conference ICHEP 2024 - 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics
